Hello and thanks for visiting my blog! I’m Megan and I have a penchant for sorting things. My neurotype happens to be strong at pattern recognition with a small compulsion to arrange things in categories, which is handy for decluttering.

For a little backstory, I’m an artist and a math teacher who started a tutoring business at the wrong time of the year. With a little extra time on my hands, I thought hard about my skills beyond algebra and decided to add organizing services to my tutoring website. My monthly newsletter needed a decluttering challenge which turned into The Monthly Purge, which quickly became it’s own thing entirely.

In my world, a month goes by fast, so one challenge felt like enough, but I have more thoughts to share when it comes to organizing, dealing with your unwanted stuff, and simplifying life. For now, you can expect two to three emails a month. If you are inspired to organize more than just the monthly challenge, that’s great, but if you want to get it done and give yourself permission to not think about decluttering until next month, I’m here for that too.

Why decluttering? Organizing is important, but if there’s too much stuff, no amount of organizing will make it all fit, or hold back the overwhelming job of having to maintain it all, or often the guilt that comes from not using things you own, and the nagging feeling that the space filled with stuff could be better for something else. Oof, it’s a lot. I wanted to focus on helping folks reduce the overwhelm through two avenues: sorting out what needs to go, and figuring out what to do with it afterwards. Ethical Disposal, has become a special interest of mine. Please let me know if there’s a thing you’re struggling to get rid of. I might have some ideas.

I have a family to support so full disclosure, my goal is to grow this blog large enough to bring in ads and sponsors. When that time comes, I’ll do my best to keep them as chill and unobtrusive as possible. If you like my articles and want to support the cause, tell your friends to sign up!

Letting go of stuff is hard. I hope The Monthly Purge can help.

Thanks for reading!
